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Showing posts from January, 2009

Find miniture decoratives to bolster your village displays

I recently came across a post about a company called " Mini Things " - headquartered in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and featuring the hand-crafted work of sisters Jean Lawnsdale and Lottie Clinedinst. Mini Things specializes in hand-crafted miniatures for Department 56 and other lit village displays, dollhouse miniatures as well as miniature gift items to display alone or for use in shadow boxes. Welcome to Mini Things headquartered in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The company formerly known as Jean’s Mini Things consists of two sisters—Jean Lawnsdale of Hanover, Pennsylvania and Lottie Clinedinst of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Items produced include: * dollhouse miniatures * miniature gift items * Doll Houses * Lit Villages * Room Boxes * People * Animals * Plants and Landscaping * Cafe Tables

The Inauguration, Lego style

Related articles by Zemanta Barack Hussein Obama is the 44th president of the United States.

Seven things this blog may do in 2009

Blog posts here have been infrequent as of late, but it's not been due to lack of thought about the blog. It's also not because of lost interest in collecting villages, or because Department 56 has had trouble selling their luxury gift items. The main reason has been time management, or lack thereof. New responsibilities and a failure to adopt all of my old to-dos into the new, expanded list of to-dos. As part of a belated new year's resolution, I've come up with some ideas for the new direction of this blog: * Take on a brand new identity - we're going to become -- kind of a play on words, expanded topics, more diverse content, more interaction from our community of readers. * Adding a list of "featured collectibles" - unique holiday items which can be test releases for companies who may not be willing to produce a large quantity out of the gate, especially during this tight economy. * More original work from our audience: p